Dear Anglers: After a few days of reflecting on my relationship with Bill Poole, I wanted write a few words about it. I worked for Bill on the Royal Polaris in Fall, 1975, when the boat was new. After working on that great boat for a short time, I knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a captain of a long-range boat just like Bill Poole. He and Steve Loomis taught me so much in the two years I worked there. They helped me get my captain’s license and so much more. After a short break from the business in 1982, I got the opportunity to run Searcher (formerly Cape Polaris). Frank Lo Preste hired me, and after a year and a half we worked out a deal for me to purchase Searcher. Frank handed me this incredible boat on a silver platter. He and Bill cosigned on the note to guarantee it for the bank. Bill wanted to make sure the deal went through. Both Bill and Frank have done this several times to help out guys like me attain their goal of owning a sportboat in San Diego. Over the past 25 years owning Searcher, Bill has given me advice on a regular basis. He was always candid and honest. He didn’t have any problem telling me if I had a bad or good idea. Bill was always there day or night. He used to say “Call anytime,” and he meant it. I am truly blessed to have been associated with such an incredible man, and to have been his friend and colleague. I will miss him a lot. Celia and I have placed a banner on the transom of Searcher, temporarily renaming the boat Cape Polaris in Bill’s honor. He and Ingrid had her built in 1970 and I am honored to own a Poole boat. The banner will stay in place until the boat starts operating in February. Also check out our new 2010 schedule, there will be a small black ribbon in Bill’s memory. Good fishing (which we all enjoy thanks in part to Bill Poole), Capt Art