Captain’s Blog
Jul 52019

Trip 3 – 3-day (7/4-7)

July 5th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Day 1:

Happy 4th of July to all! We hope you are having a wonderful time with your families. We departed this morning and started fishing this afternoon. We managed to catch a few yellowfin tuna, yellowtail and a bluefin. We have seen a lot of fish but they are not biting too well yet.
Here is Captain Mike and Bobby B. with his nice bluefin he caught using a flat falls.

Wish us luck for tomorrow.~Capt. Shawn and Team Searcher

Jul 42019

Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 55 (Sinker rig fishing)

July 4th, 2019|Categories: Capt Art's Blog, Tackle Tip Thursday|

Happy Independence Day! Today, we have Captain Mike talking red, white and Bluefin fishing. Captain Mike gives us the run down on sinker rig fishing. Things you will need include rubber band, 6-8oz torpedo sinker, and 60-80# line. Happy 4th of July and best fishes.


Jun 292019

Trip 2 – 1.5-day Trip (Jun 28-30)

June 29th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Hello anglers:

We have been working hard to get a bluefin tuna school to bite all day today and we haven’t had much success. We see a lot of tuna around us, and even have tuna boiling on our chum, but not biting the baits on our hooks. We have a sample aboard and catching those is a lot of fun, but we wish every single angler had a tuna.

Here is crewman Justin and Steve E. with a nice bluefin tuna from one of our many stops.

Captain Art and Team Searcher

Jun 272019

Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 54 (Flat Falls)

June 27th, 2019|Categories: Capt Art's Blog, Tackle Tip Thursday|

Today we are tackling bluefin tuna. The must have lure for bluefin is the flat fall. Art goes over two of the top flat falls that tuna are bitting right now, the SK-250g flat fall and Nomad-320g flat fall. You can get these bad boys at Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Shop or Turner’s Outdoorsman. (p.s. We do have them on board.)

Jun 262019

Trip report- PFMC Charter (June 26)

June 26th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Hello anglers,

We started our 1.5 day trip last night  we found a big school of tuna in the dark. We had a few people start out with flat fall lures . We hooked our first fish and it was a 75 pound bluefin tuna. We had 7 hook ups and we landed 3 bluefin all about 75 pounds. Here is Kirk G. with a 74.8 pound bluefin. After daylight we had a few fish stay around but did not bite. We changed things up and tried for yellowtail in kelp paddies until lunch time with very little success. We landed 4 yellowtail in the 12 pound range. We are back in the tuna zone hoping for some action this afternoon.

~Captain Art and Team Searcher

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