Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 123 (Wahoo Leader)

October 29th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Tackle Tip Thursday|

It’s Tackle Tip Thursday! Today we have Captain Art talking Wahoo. Art gives us the the run down on a must use knot for the wahoo season. It’s time to stock up before the season begins. Art walks us through the step by step on how to make a wire leader for wahoo.

Thank you Captain Art for the great  tackle tip and Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Shop for letting us use all your tackle to build the leader. Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Shop is having  Tackle day  Nov. 7th! Tons of deals and giveaways. 

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Trip #29: Oct 18-25 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 22nd, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good morning anglers,

We’ve had some pretty epic fishing here today on mixed grade yellowtail, big bass, big dorado, a big halibut and all sorts of other stuff to go along with it. Fly-ined baits, yoyo jigs and surface irons have been the “go to” for the game fish today.

Captain Mike and the boys

Joe (right) and his 25lb dorado caught while fly lining for yellowtail!

Good evening anglers,

We had an interruption in email for a day, but we’ve been busy! It was pretty epic fishing this all day. Good fishing on mixed grade yellowtail in the 10-20lb range. Lots of big bass came on board, and a handful of halibut.

The best way to catch the yellowtail today seemed to be using the lures. The surface iron and the yoyo jigs were the best way to get a bite. Brochure weather again here today and good fishing.

Captain Mike and the boys

Bob and Rich show off a couple of yoyo yellows!

Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 122 (Haywire twist)

October 22nd, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Tackle Tip Thursday|

It’s Tackle Tip Thursday! Today we have Searcher Team member Justin talking Wahoo. Justin gives us the the run down on a must use knot for the wahoo season. It’s time to stock up before the season begins. He teaches us how to do the haywire twist knot. You will need a lure such as the Raider lure, wire 60# (is what justin suggests) and line. Huge thank you to Justin for the great tackle tip.

Want more Tackle tips? Hook them here!

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Trip #29: Oct 18-25 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 21st, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good evening anglers,

We looked at a lot of unproductive kelps this morning in beautiful 74.5 degree water. We decided to slide into the beach this afternoon to try for some yellowtail. We found some, but they just did not want to bite. We managed a handful of 18-22lb yellowtail and this 40lb sea bass! We will be on the beach again tomorrow looking for yellowtail.

Captain Mike and the boys

Pat caught this 40# sea bass on a dropper loop

Trip #29: Oct 18-25 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 20th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good evening anglers,

We’ve been scratching on these big bluefin all day here most of them are 120-150lbs everyone got one today.  Very good sign in this zone today.  The 30-50lb bluefin we’ve been seeing did not want to bite until after the sun went down. We had a bit of a ripper on the flat falls this evening during dinner for the guys who wanted to try on the 30-50lbers with some 90lbers mixed in. That’s your hot Tackle Tip from the tuna grounds. It was a great way to end the day here.  We’re going to start traveling south tonight and see what the next few days brings.

Captain Mike and the boys

 Here’s Bob with a 150lber. 

Trip #28: Oct 10-17 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 17th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good afternoon anglers,

We made a pit stop on our way home and scraped up a couple handfuls of yellowtail this morning. We didn’t catch many but they were all big ones (18-25lbs). They all came on the yo-yo lure. We were fishing deeper today so the full size salas 6x and the tady 4/0 were the way to go. Here’s Justin and Dale again with a nice one to finish off the trip with.

Captain Mike and the boys

A beautiful yellowtail to finish off the trip!

Trip #28: Oct 10-17 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 16th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good morning anglers,

We’ve had a great morning here steadily picking on mixed grade yellowtail. They’re all coming on the yoyos and the fly lined sardine. The fish are 10-30lbs, with most of them are in the 15 lb range. A handful are 28-30lbs. Good steady action here. We’ll check back later.

Captain Mike and the boys

p.s. Check out the new Tackle Tip Thursday on yo-yo irons!

Paul and our first fish of the day

Good evening anglers,
Our bite in the morning tapered off just before lunch so we took off in search of more. We were not disappointed. We had a sonar school this afternoon of 12-15lb biting yellowtail. Fly-lined baits and yo yo jigs were the best method again. We’re going to be traveling up the line and fishing the beach somewhere again tomorrow.

Captain Mike and the boys

Chuck’s nice one!

Trip #28: Oct 10-17 (7 day) Ultra-limited Load

October 15th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Trip Reports|

Good afternoon anglers,

We’re traveling down the line today to be in position for yellowtail tomorrow morning. We’ve been looking for a dorado kelp all morning. We found the golden ticket just before lunch. It’s “aquarium style fishing” on 8-14lb dorado. Good action on some biting fish!

We’re going to be traveling the rest of the day.

Captain Mike and the boys

Here’s Dale with one of our larger models

Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 121 (Yo-yo fishing)

October 15th, 2020|Capt Art's Blog, Tackle Tip Thursday|

Tackle Tip Thursday is here! Today we have a special guest, Fred from Seeker Fishing Rods! Fred gives us the rundown of all the things you need for yo-yo fishing. You will need a 40#-50#rod, with little piece of mono. Lures: Salas 6x junior, Salas 6x, or a Salas 7x heavy.

Huge thank you to Fred and Seeker Rods for the great tackle tip.
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