All-Day Albacore At A Buck Sixty by Bill Roecker

July 16th, 2009|News|

Searcher second captain Aaron Remy, Bill Roecker and Captain Kevin Ward pose on the bow with a lunker longfinPaul Sweeney and I boarded the Searcher at 4 p.m. July 14, and after an hour or so of waiting for stragglers skipper Kevin Ward ordered the boat cast off and we headed out into the late afternoon. A good northwest breeze was blowing, and I had some concern about how windy it might be way down the line, but Kevin said he’d done some checking and the weather prediction was for the breeze to come down.

We rode downhill through the breezy chop all night, and a couple of hours after dawn we were close enough to the fishing area 160 miles south to start our day. After breakfast served up by chefs Charles Howell and Steve Lamb, we found three kelp paddies over the next ten miles or so, and all were holding yellowtail. They were stock paddy yellows of eight to 12 pounds with a couple of notable exceptions.

Rick Guevara of Anaheim popped a long, lean yellow that had obviously spawned recently. It might have weighed well over 30 pounds, but now it was thin. It was still a tough fighter. We got 20-odd yellowtail from the paddies as we trolled along looking for tuna.

Rick Guevara of Anaheim popped a long, lean yellow that had obviously spawned recentlyThere were young albatross swimming close or standing on the paddies, more of those large birds than usual. They made finding the paddies a lot easier. Little else was showing at the surface, laced with small white wavelets in the 12-mile an hour breeze.

The next paddy we spotted was holding dorado. They were good-sized, 12 to 15 pounds or so, and they caused the usual mayhem of crossed lines, hollering, wildly jumping fish and anglers milling for position. I don’t know how many were lost, because I was following my fish around to the downwind side of the boat, where it came up to be gaffed. We tried the paddy again, but only got one small dorado, so we pushed on.

Skipper Ward was correct in his assessment of the conditions. Both the breeze and the chop were subsiding. The overcast was always with us until late afternoon, but enough sunlight was coming through to make sun protection a good idea.

We had our first tuna stop around midmorning, on a blind strike. Craig Arnold of Fallbrook got the first longfin to the boat, after it bit on a root beer-colored skirted Zuker’s jig Craig called a “Charlie Brown.” He won a DVD from for the first albie of the trip.

Alex Zarfis of Westlake Village, just about to turn 81, was out there in the midst of our 29 anglers, hooking albacoreLuigi Gaglioni of San Francisco hooked up this nice bluefin aboard the Searcher

There were three blind strike stops that morning, producing a dozen or so albacore. As on our previous day and a half trip this season on Royal Star, the fish were still rushing the boat only to break off the engagement within a minute or so. Those bait anglers who were quick to get a bait into the wake on the slide, on the correct side to account for the wind drift were the anglers who got albies.

The next albacore school came on a meter mark following a lunch of giant cheeseburgers.

We got a few more albies this time, and Craig Arnold bagged one on a plastic swimbait in anchovy flavor. Then he tried fishing green swimbaits, but the fish wouldn’t bite that color, he said.

The overcast broke up, the sun came out and we had another blind strike stop that produced several nicer albies, including one over 30 pounds caught by Brittany Fjeldstad on the troll. Fishing with her dad James, Brittany was thrilled, and later she got one on bait.
I hooked up with a sardine on my 20-pound outfit. When the fish pulled me around the stern corner and sounded, I knew I was on something bigger than the 15 to 20-pound albacore that made up the majority of what we’d been catching. It felt like a bluefin, as it dogged me at 200 feet below.

Brittany Fjelstad and her father James, far right, pose with crewman Kenny Merrell with some albacoreI was concerned it would chew through the light line, but I felt good about the rest of the gear: a 3/0 ringed Mustad 94150 hook on straight 20-pound Mustad line. I fought the beast on a 197 Accurate reel and a Super Seeker 660 XF rod, which was bent to the max. It put enough pressure on the fish so I could raise it, however slowly.

Second skipper Aaron Remy was at my side, starting from midship on the port side around the stern and up to the starboard bow. We went across the anchor several times, as the fish seemed unsure about which way it should go, and at last ended up ahead of the gate on the right side, in the breeze.

It was an albacore, the best one I’ve been attached to for many years. Aaron hit it with a headgaff, and we had it aboard for some pictures up by the bow, where it had given me so much grief earlier. We had bright sunlight, great conditions for a big, beautiful silver fish.

I think it weighed over 40 pounds, and Remy agreed with that, but we had no scales on the boat.

My day was made by that fish, but I wasn’t ready to stop trying. Over the next few hours I managed to fill out my limit of five albacore, and in the last bite, Paul got one, so we had six albies and a dorado to take home. Sweet!

Alex Zarfis of Westlake Village, just about to turn 81, was out there in the midst of our 29 anglers, hooking albacore. He’s not as mobile as he used to be but he got some fish despite being sawed off a couple of times.

“Alex fishes with us,” said skipper Ward. “He wins the jackpot quite often.”

We had several more stops that afternoon, and deckhands Kenny Merrell, Joe Santos and Cole Crafton did a fine job of assisting passengers with their fish and gaffing albacore. We had about 40-some longfin aboard, and everyone was feeling like the pressure was off, but hoping for something big to happen.

The Russelure is an unusual shape, popular in the Gulf and East coastsIt did. Around six p.m. we got a jig stop that turned into a real bite, and we put 22 albacore and three bluefin on the boat. I dropped in a big silver wobbler-type jig called a Russelure on the slide. The Russelure is an unusual shape. I’d compare it roughly to a Flatfish, but the body is U-shaped instead of solid. It has a long history of success on the Gulf and East coasts, and it’s very light for the size.

My big Russelure was snapped on before it got 20 yards back, while we were still moving at two to four knots. The jig was straight-tied to 40-pound line, on an Accurate 870 N reel and a Super Seeker 6470 rod.

That rig was far more outfit than a 25-pound albie could beat, and within a very short time I led the fish to gaff. We took pictures with the fish and the shiny silver jig, which no one on the boat had ever seen before.

I was having a great day, having caught another albacore earlier on a Channel Islands ‘Chovy colored fish Trap swimbait. I brought outfits with 20, 25, 30 and 40-pound line, and got an albacore on each rig. Two longfin came on sardines disguised with Seaguar fluorocarbon leaders of 25 and 30 pounds, tied to 25-pound Izorline.

The three bluefin caught at the six o’clock rush hour were nice ones, and one of them did a number on the angler’s reel, causing the crew to jump in and do a quick splice job. That was the biggest fish of the day, but it was ineligible for the jackpot as the angler ran out of gas and needed help.

A bluefin caught by Greg Commentz of San Diego won the jackpot and a copy of my book Fresh One! Greg said he fished a sardine on a 2/0 VMC hook, with 40-pound Blackwater fluorocarbon leader and 40-pound P-Line on a Torium 30 reel and a Calstar 700 M rod. The fish fought hard for 15 minutes.

“I was expecting an albacore.” Said Greg. I wondered why he was so hard to get up.”

Corey Commentz of West Hills High School, San Diego pulls on an albacoreGreg Commentz poses with his bluefin caught aboard the Searcher

We had one more stop after that last prolonged bite. Around seven that evening the last stop produced two more albacore. We kept looking until it got dark, but found no more biters at 160 miles south of San Diego.

That distance meant we had to hightail it for home. We had to fight a downhill current most of the way, and we didn’t get back to Fisherman’s landing until 11:30 the next morning. Our score of 70 albacore, three bluefin, 22 yellowtail and a lonesome, 12-pound purple skipjack high-lined the fleet for the day’s fishing, we heard.

We had three father-son teams aboard and the father-daughter, so you could say it was a family trip.

The whole boat, and especially the crew, had a family feeling, I thought. The crew has been together for years, and Kevin Ward has been Art Taylor’s skipper for over a decade. She’s not the latest hull down the ways, but Searcher has put an awful lot of anglers on good fish over the years, and she’s comfortable.

I caught my first 40-pound yellowtail at Cedros Island many years ago aboard Searcher with owner-skipper Taylor, and that’s a memory I’ll always have, along with this one, of a fine day of albacore fishing a lot farther from San Diego than you’d ordinarily go. Thanks, Art and Celia, and thanks to your excellent crew.

Searcher Sportfishing
Captains Art Taylor and Kevin Ward
(619) 226-2403 – Fisherman’s Landing

Great Albacore Catch by Bill Roecker

July 7th, 2009|News|

Searcher jackpot winners and Izorline rep Norm FujimotoArt Taylor docked his Searcher at Fisherman’s Landing July 7 after a four-day trip with 24 passengers.

“It was rough,” he said. “We had 20 knots of wind.”

The wind didn’t seem to bother the longfin, however, as several anglers managed to bag limits on the Izorline charter. The three best albies of the season were also among the catch, also the best of the season so far.

Chartermaster Norm Fujimoto said, “Our best stop was for 32 albacore. Everybody fished hard, and some guys got limits for their trouble.

Harold Guy of Canoga Park presented the best fish of the season to date, when he brought his 35-pounder to the scales for Taylor to weigh.

“I knew he was big,” said Guy, but I was surprised he was that big.”

Harold said he got the big boy on a sardine and a 3/0 ringed Super Mutu hook. He won first place in the jackpot, and also won the Izorline Trophy for the best fish on Izorline. Guy said he used 40-pound Izorline on a Daiwa Saltiga 30 L reel, on an eight-foot Shimano TC 4 rod.

Norm’s son Darren Fujimoto won second place for a 28.2-pound albacore. Pete Groshong of Phoenix took third place for his 27.2-pound albie.

Searcher Sportfishing
Captains Art Taylor and Kevin Ward
(619) 226-2403 – Fisherman’s Landing


Cedros Yellows, Offshore Albies by Bill Roecker

June 18th, 2009|News|

Searcher jackpot winners display their fish at Fisherman's LandingSearcher returned to Fisherman’s Landing June 18 after a five-day Qualia Reels charter with 20 passengers aboard. One of those was chartermaster Kent Cremolini of Walnut Creek, who showed off a bluefin tuna, one of three caught offshore with 48 albacore and a few yellowfin tuna.

“It was an awesome trip,” said Kent. “We had really good people on the boat.”

“We fished a bit on the way down and then fished offshore again on the way back,” said owner-skipper Art Taylor to dock reporter Bill Roecker.

“We had good fishing at the island, with near-limits of yellowtail. Those fish were mostly 15 to 18 pounds, and they bit on the yoyo iron and on bait. Not many tried the surface iron.”

Searcher regular Mark Seals of Cambria wailed on the albacore, catching a two-day limit of tenChartermaster Kent Cremolini of Walnut Creek, shows off a bluefin tuna at Fisherman's Landing

Searcher regular Mark Seals of Cambria wailed on the albacore, catching a two-day limit of ten. His best one weighed about 24 pounds.

Doug Nance of San Diego took 15 minutes to wrestle with the trip’s best bluefin, a jackpot-winning 29-pounder.

“He fought well,” said Nance, who baited a sardine on a 3/0 ringed Mutu hook he said he found on the deck. He fished with 20-pound Ande line, a Torium 14 reel and a seven-foot Fenwick rod.

Dave Bell of San Diego won second place for a 25-pound yellowtail, and chartermaster Cremolini bagged third place for his 24.6-pound bluefin.

Searcher Sportfishing
Captains Art Taylor and Kevin Ward
(619) 226-2403 – Fisherman’s Landing

Penn University 2009 Trip (with Steve Carson aboard!)

May 27th, 2009|News|

5-Day Long Range Trip

Aboard Captain Art Taylor’s
Luxurious 95X24-foot
Fisherman’s Landing in San Diego
August 25 to 30, 2009
Yellowtail, Bluefin Tuna, Albacore, Yellowfin Tuna, White Seabass and more!
Prizes from:
Penn, Berkley, Sevenstrand, Owner Hooks, Flambeau and more
$1595, includes food and berthing
Limited to 22 anglers!
Not included are Mexican permits, possible fuel surcharge, soda and beer
For more information or reservations, contact Searcher Sportfishing
PFU director Steve Carson at

Searcher in Dry Dock

May 12th, 2009|News|

Everyone’s anxious for fishing, but first things first, like a bit of maintenance and our annual Coast Guard inspections. We’re in our dry dock period at Knight & Carver Yard in National City.


Searcher in dry dock. Her bottom looks great!

The crew and I have sanded part of the hull (two other parts were done in previous years) and re-painted. We took off 1,000 pounds of old paint this time, for a total of 3,000 pounds for the entire hull. I am looking for some improved fuel performance after that.

We also took out the propellers and shafts for inspection and to install new packing. The rudders and shafts were inspected and we put new packing there too.


What better way to begin my 25th year as owner/operator than scraping bottom paint!

We’ll start fishing on Qualia Reel’s open charter on June 13. Join us on this 5-day adventure, or at least follow along on the daily blog report on the web site.

We hope to see you aboard in 2009. We have some great trips scheduled and expect some exciting San Diego/Baja California fishing!

Capt Art and crew (and celia)

Jerry King’s passing

May 10th, 2009|News|

We will miss our regular June trip passenger, Jerry King, on the upcoming June 5-day trip, sponsored by Qualia Reels. Here is a first-hand fishing story about Jerry that makes us smile:

"So sorry to hear about Jerry King passing away so recently. We had the distinct honor to share a fishing trip with him back in 2007. It was blazing hot on that summer trip and I remember Jerry had a magic trolling lure that was a sure-fire boat stopper. It was an old red and white tuna feather with beat-up faded shiny stuff on the outside. Jerry claimed it to be the skin off a dorado. Every time he got up to troll that lure, he would hook up and bring the Searcher to a screeching halt. After Jerry got his fish in then he would head into the air-conditioned salon, leaving the rest of us outside getting sunburned waiting to catch the big one. Your cook would finish up whatever chore he was doing then sit with Jerry to play at cards. Nice. We should all be so lucky and blessed to do as well as Jerry when we get to that age.

I enclose a picture of Jerry that I took at the landing at the end of our voyage. From the looks of the cart Jerry did okay. No better homage than your friends helping you to get your catch underway. Thanks Celia and Art for have such wonderful crew and clientele. It’s what makes fishing the Searcher so memorable."

From another Searcher friend and regular, Ray Guardiano

Seven-day Trip Report

October 11th, 2008|News|

Seven Was Enough

by Bill Roecker

Searcher jackpot winners display their big tuna and a super skinny at Fisherman's LandingArt Taylor docked his Searcher at Fisherman’s Landing October 11 after a good seven-day trip to Alijos Rocks and San Pablo, where his 21 anglers caught tuna, yellowtail and an excellent bag of wahoo.

“We had a pleasant surprise this morning,” wrote Art October 9. “We woke up to a really good wahoo bite. I saw a few fish in our lights before daylight and when the sun came up it was game on. We had 33 wahoo before 7 am. We tried to get everyone up during the bite but not everyone had a chance to get a wahoo. For those passengers that were awake, they experienced wahoo fishing at its best.

“After that we tried for yellowtail and found fish on a couple different spots on the coast. We had good fishing and the majority of the fish were caught on yo-yo jigs. The yellows were 12-20 pounds so we had a great day.”

Two tuna and a wahoo shared the jackpot honors. The best tuna was an 89-pounder caught by Jim Berg on a sardine and a 3/0 Mustad hook. Jim said he fished with 40-pound Izorline and 65-pound Spectra on a Torium 30 reel and a Seeker 660 rod.

Dale Bunting of Cambria won second place for his 83-pound tuna.

A gold Raider jig accounted for a 58-pound wahoo presented at the scales by Dave Buck of Altadena, who won third place for the big ‘skin.

“We also had a good catch of dorado,” noted skipper Taylor, who was reloading Searcher for a shark trip leaving the same day.

Searcher Open: Two Fish Sweep

September 10th, 2008|News|

By Bill Roecker

Searcher angler Bill Zemba won first and second place aboard the five-day tripArt Taylor docked his Searcher September 10 after a five-day Let’s Talk Hookup/976 TUNA open charter with 20 anglers.

“It was slow at Guadalupe,” said Art, “so we went down to Benitos for yellowtail and fished offshore on the way back up.”

Bill Zemba of Castaic won first and second places for his yellowfin tuna of 35.2 and 33.2 pounds. He said they came on sardines and 3/0 ringed Mutu hooks. He fished with 50-pound Blackwater fluorocarbon and 50-pound Big Game line on a Penn Torque reel and a Calstar six and a half-foot Grafighter rod.

“It took about ten minutes on the big one,” he said. “I was lucky; I got the only two tuna we got on the boat.”

Delane Lytle of Granada Hill won third place for a 30.2-pound yellowtail. Another angler remarked that he had a yellowtail much larger than the other fish up to the boat when a white shark ate it.

Two Tusker Tuna From Guadalupe

August 24th, 2008|News|

Guadalupe is slowly rounding into shape, thinks Art Taylor, Searcher owner-skipper. He docked his boat at Fisherman’s Landing August 24 after a five-day trip with 17 anglers.

George Hartlmaier win first place for a 88.2-pound yellowfin aboard the Searcher“Whitey’s getting his share, too,” noted Art at the scales.

George Hartlmaier of Brianhead, UT won first place for a stout 88.2-pound yellowfin. He bagged that baby with a sardine on a 2/0 Mustad hook and a 40-pound rental outfit.

“Please put in a plug for my shop,” he said. “It’s George’s Ski Shop in Brianhead.”

Tanner Huffer of San Clemente made his second lineup shot in the past few weeks. He took second place for a 62.4-pound tuna he caught on a Tady AA jig in blue and white, on 30-pound line. The young waterman is on the surf team at San Clemente High.

Damon Nahem of Islamorada, Florida, won third place for a 34.8-pound yellowtail.

Albie Tops for Searcher

August 19th, 2008|News|

By Bill Roecker

Ken Roberts and Richard Hoagland swept Searcher's jackpotArt Taylor docked his Searcher at Fisherman’s Landing August 19 after a thee-day trip with 26 passengers. He remarked that the trip found tough fishing.

Ken Roberts of Fullerton won the jackpot for a 36-pound albacore. He found it with a sardine on a 3/0 Super Mutu hook, and used 30-pound Big Game line on a Shimano 20/40 reel and a Seeker six-foot rod.

Richard Hoagland of Newport Beach won second and third places for a 32-pound albie and a 30-pound yellowtail.

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