Spring 5-day trip news by Bill Roecker

June 21st, 2007|News|

Searcher Finds Flatties
story by Bill Roecker
"We had 21 anglers," said Searcher skipper Art Taylor after a five-day trip June 21, "and 15 of them had their best fish. Nine anglers had the first fish of a species." "We fished at Cedros and in open water," continued Taylor, "and we found a little area where we had jig strikes and meter marks on tuna. We got nine albacore between nine and noon yesterday. The yellowtail fishing at Cedros was phenomenal, with the fish biting on all methods."

Halibut swept the jackpot. Roger Bookman of Fullerton won first place for a 43.4-pounder. He bagged that baby on a sardine, a 5/0 ringed Gorilla hook on 50-pound Big Game line, a Shimano two-speed reel (he didnít know the model) and a Calstar seven-foot rod. Scott Car of Chandler, AZ was second, for a 42.8-pounder. Tony Marasco of San Antonio, TX was third, for a 38.8-pound halibut.

The last Searcher lineup shot included Tony Altieri of Burbank, Kevin Mills of Del Mar and Roger Brookman of Fullerton, posing with three dandy albacore, the first such tuna of the season for the Searcher.

Fuel surcharges– UPDATED

June 17th, 2007|News|

For the present time, we will charge $5 per day of the trip on all trips longer than 3 days in June and July. These charges can be paid on the day of departure by check or cash. Thank you for your undertanding as we all deal with this rising cost.

SEARCHER’s Memorial Day Kickoff Provides "Tales of Tailî" (Yellowtail, That Is)

May 30th, 2007|News|

By Dick Uranga, AKA Capt. Potatohead

Fishing tackle has been bought, reels have been filled, reports have been spread: Memorial Day weekend has actually arrived. All of us have been ready to board our favorite sportfisher to pursue the early season’s gamefish. What will it be this year?

This year started with a real surprise, the first hookup came when Capt. Potatohead arrived to find all passengers and crew members wearing specially adorned Searcher tee shirts celebrating the 10th annual Capt. Potatohead Memorial Day Charter aboard the luxury sportfisher "Searcher." This of course set the mood for kudos and an appropriate roasting of the "Ol’ Captaín Spud!"

Our 3-day hunt started with a galley meeting conducted by owner/operator Art Taylor briefing 26 expectant fishermen about safety, weather conditions and our game plan. Our destination would be 200 miles S.E. from Point Loma; a bit of a stretch for a 3 day, but not untypical for a motivated Art Taylor. He informed us that we could expect catches of Yellowtail and possibly Bluefin Tuna. It was his intent to spend our 1st day fishing the paddies in this area targeting

Yellowtail, with the possibility of encountering Bluefin Tuna. For the 2nd day, his plan was to explore an area to the west, having perfect Terrafin temperature conditions that might hold early arrivals of Albacore. He then turned the meeting over to 2nd Capt. Aaron Remy for informative tackle tips and proper boat etiquette while fishing the decks of the Searcher. To get the fun going, Capt. Potatohead and staff members Terry Onishi and Mike Wicen proceeded to fill reels with fresh Izorline"Blue" to all interested fishermen. Capt. Spud and his team provided tips and techniques on the use of trolling feathers by Zuker, fishing Kicker and Ironman jigs and the use of hi-tech Owner hooks. In order to spice the trip up, Capt Potatohead offered chances to play "at the Dealer" to win tackle generously donated by the above mentioned sponsors. Anglers were also awarded tackle prizes for special catches; i.e. most fish caught in a day, 1st and second fish caught on a stop, etc.

Our first day started at day break to the sound of engines slowing down and Artís voice calling out the first trolling team. Although still enroute to our destination, we stopped on several paddies to yield catches of Yellowtail in the 7# to 10# class. Jig strikes throughout the day added to our action providing catches of Yellowtail and Bonita ranging up to13#. This combination of live paddies and jigs being hit provided hook-ups and high spirits throughout the day.

Our tally for this dayís fishing yielded 66 Yellowtail and 14 Bonita with many fish released less than 28î in length; not to mention pranks on Capt. Potatohead to include the reversal of his reel on his "go- to" rods, and lines being pulled through the head window and attached to the showerhead. Oh yes, let us not forget the timely pulling down of his pants during a hook-up! All in the name of fun, and that it was!

We now have traveled and fished to a point of being 217 miles from Point Loma. Art then informed us that we would head in a Westerly direction during the night to explore an area having ideal temperature indications provided on Terrafin maps. As we all know, it is this type of exploration that yields the first catches of Albacore every year.

Upon arrival, we found conditions to be as predicted. We, as on the previous day, stopped on several paddies and experienced jig strikes to put an additional 2 Yellowtail and 20 Bonita on the decks, but unfortunately, no Tuna. Not as productive as day # 1, but certainly worth the try during this time of transition that can potentially payoff bigtime!

Our crew was outstanding, and the cuisine superb. Our special thanks to Aaron, Joe, Jordan and Galley master Randy and assistant William. Thank you again Art, for a fun filled "Searcher" adventure!

Congratulations to Jack Pot winners:
1st Place Mike Mayes 13.0# Bonita
2nd Place Mike Mayes 10.4# Yellowtail
3rd Place Mark Seals 10.2# Yellowtail

New 1.5 day trips in June!

May 29th, 2007|News|

We’ve added a few 1.5 day trips to our schedule at the end of June. Join the tuna hunt! Check our schedule and call the landing to book.

Need a passport?

May 21st, 2007|News|

No, not for our fishing trips into Mexican waters. As usual, we will ask to see your photo id (driver’s license, military ID) upon boarding the boat, but a passport is NOT required. There is one minor change: We are asked to supply Mexico with a list of our passengers’ name, address, phone number AND citizenship and birthdate. So we’ll be asking for a bit more information at check-in time. Call if you have any questions or concerns!

Searcher’s first 2007 fishing trip: Memorial Day weekend

April 25th, 2007|News|

Don’t miss out on sharing rail space with this guy–our very own Capt Dick "Potatohead" Uranga–for the annual Memorial Day 3-day tuna hunt. Tackle giveaways and prizes will include Owner hooks, Kicker jigs, tshirts and more. Fun and games and lots of fishing will be on tap! Call the office to save a spot — 619-226-2403.

Captains Art and Aaron to be at Long Beach Fred Hall Show

February 8th, 2007|News|

The Fred Hall Fishing Tackle and Boat show will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center from March 7-11, 2007. It’s a great opportunity to get prepared to fish this year. Stop by the Searcher booth to chat with Art and Aaron and ask your fishing questions. Sign up for a trip while you’re there!

Cadillac or Curse: 35 Years of Searcher Sportfishing (aka Cape Polaris )

May 24th, 2005|News|

In 1970 crew members and anglers considered the new 95-foot Cape Polaris to be the Cadillac of sportfishers. Others cursed it.

Jack Mahon, currently night manager at Fisherman’s Landing, remembers working on a charter boat when the hulking Cape Polaris came to San Diego Bay. "When the Cape Polaris motored by the bait receivers, her huge wake set the smaller charter boats rocking, sliding plates around the galley and making the bait-loading process a real challenge," recalls Mahon with a grin.

The mixed reaction quickly changed to awe and admiration as the Cape Polaris , with owner Bill Poole at the helm, chartered new waters….literally.

On May 24, 1970, in Newport Beach, California, the Bill and Ingrid Poole family proudly launched "the largest sportfisher on the West Coast." She was named the Cape Polaris in part by Bob Fletcher, currently president of Sportfishing Association of California, who entered the name in a contest. "Cape sounded large and powerful to me," remembers Fletcher, "so it fit the boat." The Cape Polaris become another in the line of famed Polaris boats built by Poole Boats.

"The new breed of boats is here to stay." reported Larry Levinson, one of 200 spectators at the launching. He described the "huge" walk-around stern bait tank, the outside bridge, hot showers, and deck storage racks as new features for a sportfisher. And as the champagne bottle shattered against her hull and the fully clothed owner was tossed into Newport Bay, sportfishing changed forever.

Instead of waiting for warm water conditions (and the targeted fish along with it) to appear off San Diego in the summer within range of the boats of the day, Poole decided to build a boat equipped to get to the fish grounds. Such a boat would need sufficient fuel and bait capacity to get to Cabo San Lucas and environs for the prized tuna, sailfish, grouper, and yellowtail …wherever they lurked.

"Now sleek powerful, luxurious, self-contained sportfishers make it possible to fish year-round," wrote LA Hearld-Examiner staffer Jim Brezina on June 24, 1970.

During the 15 months of construction, the hull was designed, fuel capacity determined, and walk-around bait tanks installed, but Ingrid Poole dreamed of the perfect creature comforts for their newest project. She knew women would accompany their fishing fanatic husbands and lady anglers would jump aboard if she could have her way with a few details.

On a previous Polaris boat, Poole was thrilled just to have two heads, a step up from his earliest boats. "The shower sprayed over the sink and toliet, but there were TWO HEADS!" recalls Ingrid. For Cape Polaris , she designed plusher and private accomodations and comfortable restrooms with enclosed hot-water showers. The dining salon would have drapes, a color scheme, and air-conditioning. The cook would serve delicious meals from her double-ovens and the atmosphere would attract all anglers—male and female.

Bill Poole departed with 30 passengers, including at least two women, on the maiden "long-range" (a new term) voyage June 12, 1970. At San Benito and Cedros Islands they found cold, green water. It was then that Bill made another decision momentous to long-range sportfishing.

He pointed the boat (with only radar to guide him) south for Alijos Rocks. With a boat capable of 20 knot speeds, he zoomed this history-making group to some of the finest fishing grounds around even by today’s standards.

They "loaded up" and Poole had to head for home a day early. The 15-ton fish hold was full of 300 yellowfin tuna (30-80#), 340 yellowtail (20-50#), 10 grouper, 6 albacore, 4 bluefin tuna, 2 black sea bass, and 1 marlin. Thirty eight hours later, they docked at Fisherman’s Landing where media and anglers awaited the weigh-in.

In those early years, the price of a trip on the Cape Polaris cost around $40 per day. You could jump on a 10-day trip to Alijos Rocks for $400 or a 7-day trip in December for $385, but that one was limited to 24 passengers, a limited-load trip.

In January, 1973, Gene Tolson of Gardena caught a record-size 308 pound yellowfin tuna and thus the "100 Pound Club" was born. Anyone who caught a tuna, billfish, or grouper over 100 pounds aboard the Cape Polaris received a pin or jacket patch and an invitation to an annual party hosted by Bill and Ingrid Poole. Imagine the fish stories.

In 1975, the boat’s name was changed to Searcher . Since 1985, Art Taylor has owned and operated Searcher , still out of Fisherman’s Landing, finding a niche in the shorter-range (3 and 4-day) trips during the summer, and longer (5 and 7-day) trips in the spring and fall.

Newer, larger, and plusher San Diego sportfishers have joined Searcher in creating more long-range fishing history into the 21st century. But Searcher was a first in many ways, and is still plying the fishy waters of San Diego and Baja California with a large dose of 1970 Poole Pride.

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