Trip 9 (4 day) Accurate Prize and Jackpot winners!

July 25th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Congratulations to our jackpot winners!

  1. Jeff Nagel, Laguna Niguel, CA – 29.2# yellowtail
  2. Allen Lemberg, San Diego, CA – 26.0# yellowtail
  3. Fernando Donate, Long Beach, CA – 25.8# yellowtail


Jeff Nagel also received the Accurate Prize of a BX7030C rod and Fury 500XGX reel, pictured above with pro-staffer Gary Gillingham.  We still have two more opportunities this season to fish with Gary on an Accurate/Seeker sponsored trip aboard Searcher!  Trip 31 still has spots available! Book yours now!



Trip 9 (4 day) July 24 Report

July 25th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Hello all,

We started the day in the yellowfin tuna area. The weather was challenging. It calmed down just after lunch and at that time we started to see small schools of yellowfin tuna. As the day went on, the weather got really nice. We saw lots of tuna but for some reason they did not want to bite. We did manage to land a few yellowfin and a few yellowtail from a kelp paddie.

The yellowfin are in the 12-20 pound class and there are plenty of schools around. We were encouraged by the amount of fish we saw.

We did accomplish getting a hook and hand fish – Capt Art hooked this yellowtail and Chris Piligian from Newhall landed it. Thanks to Accurate Fishing products for providing the gear for us to use.

We’ll be back tomorrow morning, and pro-staffer Gary Gillingham will have Accurate gear to give away to our jackpot winner! More later.

Team Searcher

Trip 9 (4 day) Jul 23 Report

July 24th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Hello anglers,

We had a tough day today with not much action. As we reported in the mid-day post, we had a little action first thing in the morning and then the wind came up and changed everything. We worked at it for the rest of the day trying different spots. The crew dropped and pulled the anchor at least 25 times.  We ended the day with a little action – that gave the morale a boost. Chase Trotta from Nebraska caught another nice yellowtail! He is pictured in this afternoon’s photo.

The weather has calmed down and we are changing areas. We are travelling north to try for yellowfin tuna tomorrow. There has been fish seen and caught, so we thought we would try something different.

More tomorrow,

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Trip 9 (4 day) Jul 23 Mid-day Report

July 23rd, 2016|Trip Reports|

transmitted at noon, July 23

Hello anglers,

Today Mother Nature threw us a weather curve – this morning started out with not a breath of wind, and by 7:00 am it was blowing 15-18 knots out of the south –  which is not too favorable conditions for fishing the spots around this area. We are hoping for it to subside at some point so we an at least feel like we  have a chance.

Looking forward to lunch, it’s Chef Charley’s famous pork pozole accompanied with fresh bread and salad.

Here’s a sample from our efforts today with Capt Aaron on the assist. Jim McMillan from Santa Barbara is the lucky angler.

More later,

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Trip 9 (4 day) July 22 Report

July 23rd, 2016|Trip Reports|

Hello all,

Checking in after our mid-day report. We had some good action this afternoon – the yellowtail were mixed sizes, 10-30 pounds. The method of choice was a live sardine with a 2/0 hook and a small sliding sinker and 30 pound test line. Everyone had plenty of opportunities to land a nice yellowtail.

Fernando Donate from Long Beach is pictured with his yellowtail.

The weather is great. We are trying the same area again tomorrow – will send a mid-day report.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Trip 9 (4 day) July 22 Mid-day Report

July 22nd, 2016|Trip Reports|

Hello all,

This is our mid-day report from the yellowtail zone, where we are seeing great weather with calm seas and very little wind. It was an overcast morning, but sunny skies now 🙂 Just a sign of fish this morning that doesn’t want to bite very well. We have had a sample of nice size fish, though.

Chase Trotta from Nebraska landed a nice yellowtail this morning, and crewman Ben assisted with a nice gaff job. They are pictured above.

Hoping for better action this afternoon, wish us luck!

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Trip 9 (4 day) Jul 21 Report

July 22nd, 2016|Trip Reports|

Hello anglers,

We started our trip today with a great load of sardines from Everingham Bros. We are happy to be hosting such a nice group of passengers. Gary Gillingham from Accurate Fishing products kicked off the Accurate/Seeker sponsored trip by giving out t-shirts for everyone. We found out that there were some yellowtail biting at the Coronado Islands so we elected to make our first stop there and give it a try. Everyone rigged a couple of outfits quickly because the islands are only an hour and a half from the harbor!
We gave a quick seminar on the important points and we were fishing at 2:30 pm. It’s a nice way to start the trip with some fishing time on Day 1 – we had some action on yellowtail and good size bonito. Everyone got to wet a line and get familiar with our new bait tank and the stern and each other. We landed 19 yellowtail from 12 -30 pounds. Jeff Nagel is pictured with Capt. Kenny and a nice 30 pound yellow he landed on 20 pound line. Nice job Jeff – looks like the “Luck o’ the Bootz” is with you!

Headed South for more yellowtail tomorrow.  More updates soon.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

Trip 7 (2.5 day) July 16 report

July 17th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Howdy anglers, great afternoon for us today!

We had a bit of a slow morning today (we saw lots of tuna but they didn’t want to bite).  So we went off in search of some kelp for some more yellowtail and hopefully some tuna along the way. The weather was great so we had that going for us.

This afternoon, we had some hot action on yellowfin tuna.  Loading up all the trollers, bait fish, fish jumping out of the water…. it was so much fun this afternoon. It was a great way to end a fun trip. We literally caught our last two fish minutes before it was too dark to see! So we are headed in tonight –  the weather is good and we will be coming back out Thursday on a 4 day trip.

Bright colors on the troll lures seem to be the ticket.

Good angling and hope to see ya on the water soon.

Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

Trip 7 (2.5 day) July 15 Report

July 16th, 2016|Trip Reports|

Howdy anglers,

Bit of a slow afternoon – also reported from the boats around us. Still lots of good signs this morning and late this afternoon – the tuna we’ve seen are just not in a biting mood today.  Here is a sample of the fish we caught this afternoon: this is Scott Sell with a nice yellowtail caught on a green & yellow yo-yo iron. The weather is backing off and we’re gonna go again all day tomorrow.  We’ll have reports for you as the day progresses.

Good angling and hope to see ya on the water soon!

Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

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